Noise Abatement Assessment Summary

This document summarizes the assessment of noise abatement measures recommended by the Study Group at Meeting #3A. The purpose of this summary is to provide a cross-reference between the specific recommendations of the Study Group and the screening of potential noise abatement measures presented at Meeting #4.

The first section of this summary describes the criteria used to assess each measure and cross references the criteria established at Meeting #3A with the criteria used in the Assessment of Potential Noise Abatement Measures Matrix provided at Study Group Meeting #4. The Assessment of Potential Noise Abatement Measures Matrix is intended to provide a comprehensive overview and screening of the range of potential noise abatement measures. This matrix incorporated the evaluation criteria established at Meeting #3A.

The second section lists the measures recommended by the Study Group at Meeting #3A and cross references each measure to the Assessment of Potential Noise Abatement Measures Matrix, and/or provides an explanation as to why certain measures were not included on the Matrix. The detailed reason Study Group-recommendations were retained or eliminated from further consideration was presented during Study Group Meeting #4.

Evaluation Criteria

Study Group Meeting # 3A
Study Group Meeting # 4
The Study Group at Meeting #3A approved five evaluation criteria. The following list of criteria describes includes amplifying information to guide in the application of these criteria to potential noise abatement measures. Eight criteria were used in the screening of potential measures at Meeting #4. These criteria reflect the criteria established in Meeting #3. In some cases, criteria established at Meeting #3 were divided into more specific individual criteria to facilitate analysis.
1. Consistency with goals & objectives
  • Consistency with study goals (Mission Statement and Stakeholders’ Goals)
  • Reflection of Study Group issues provided at Meeting #2A, and identified though committee meetings, etc. (e.g. concentrate noise in less developed areas, avoid shifting noise from one neighborhood to another)
  • Conformance with goals and Study Group issues
2. Potential to reduces noise exposure
  • Potential reduction in non-compatible land use
  • Quantifiable reductions in noise level
  •  Potential noise benefit
3. Consistency with FAR Part 161 requirements
  • Impact on interstate commerce
  • Discrimination against particular class of airport users
  • Effect on airport users
  • Legal factors
4. Consistency with FAA objectives
  • Aviation safety
  • Efficient use of airspace
  •  Safety
  • Effect on airport or air traffic control operations
5. Feasibility
  • Cost/benefit analysis
  • Ability to monitor performance
  •  Cost
  • Feasibility and ability to implement

Screening of Noise Abatement Measures

All of the measures recommended by the Study Group at Meeting #3A were addressed in Meeting #4. The following is a list of Study Group-recommended measures and includes a cross references to the Assessment of Potential Noise Abatement Measures Matrix, and indicates the outcome of the screening (e.g., recommended for further analysis). This list also identifies measures that, in the judgement of the consultant team, could not be approved due to overriding operational or legal considerations and were not included in the screening analysis. The measures not included in the matrix were reviewed at Meeting #4 and the reasons for not including them were presented.

Study Group Meeting # 3A
Study Group Meeting # 4
Individual committees recommended measures for consideration. These recommendations collectively represent the Study Group recommendations. The Assessment of Potential Noise Abatement Measures Matrix organized potential noise abatement measures into groups or "families" of measures to facilitate FAA review of the proposed noise abatement program.
Runway Use Programs  
Limit east runway preference to daytime only
Measure 1.1 (Version of proposed measure recommended for further analysis)
Eliminate east runway preference Measure 1.1 (Version of proposed measure recommended for further analysis)
Reverse runway preference to west runway Measure 1.1 (Version of proposed measure recommended for further analysis)
Raise runway use program tailwind threshold to 10 knots Not assessed — exceeds the maximum allowable tailwind component permitted by FAA for runway use programs
No exceptions to
contraflow, unless emergency
Not assessed — to be included in screening analysis as runway use measure. The time required accommodating arrivals during the departure period and vice versa would effectively preclude the UPS cargo hub operation. Accordingly, this measure would not be recommended for further analysis.
Flight track changes  
Set uniform departure criteria
for turning using altitude, distance,
navigation marker, geographic feature
Measure 2.1 and 2.3 (Recommended for further analysis)
Change west runway
divergence from 20 to 15°
Measure 2.1 (Version recommended for further analysis)
Apply divergence to all NCP
directed departures on west runway
Measure 2.1 (Version recommended for further analysis)
Approach procedures  
Route all arrival onto IFR corridors Measure 5.1 (Not recommended for further analysis)
No VFR Measure 5.1 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Noise-optimal STARs Not assessed — to be included in screening analysis as flight track management measure. This measure does not have the potential to reduce significant noise levels. Accordingly, this measure would not be recommended for further analysis.
Higher holding and maneuver altitudes Measure 3.1 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Steeper ILS glide slope approaches Measure 3.2 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Two-stage approach procedures Measure 3.3 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Delayed flap and gear extension approaches Measure 3.4 (Recommended for further analysis)
Reverse thrust restrictions/limitations Measure 3.7 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Departure procedures  
Noise-optimal SIDs Measure 2.3 (Recommended for further analysis)
Close-in abatement procedures Measure 4.1 (Recommended for further analysis)
Distant abatement procedures Measure 4.2 (Recommended for further analysis)
Reduced thrust departure Not assessed — significant adverse safety issues
Begin all takeoffs at
extreme end of runway
Not assessed — does not meet FAA-requirements

Use prospective overrun
extension for takeoffs
Measure 6.2 (Version of proposed measure not recommended for further analysis)
Advanced navigation technology  
Ground-based: markers, beacons, lasers, other Measure 5.2 (Recommended continued use)
Airborne: GPS/FMS, microwave, other Measure 5.4 (Recommended for further consideration)Measure 5.5 (Recommended for further consideration)
Airport facilities  
Hush houses To be assessed with noise mitigation measures
Counter-frequency generators Not assessed — technology does not currently exist for exterior applications.
Artificial or natural sound absorption media on or adjoining runways To be assessed with noise mitigation measures
Displaced thresholds Measure 6.3 (Recommended for further analysis)
High-speed exit taxiways Measure 6.5 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Facility relocation Measure 6.6 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Airport use restrictions  
Conformance to NCP by all aircraft Measure 2.1 (Version recommended for further analysis)
Prohibit aircraft not meeting Federal noise standards Measure 7.1 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Capacity limitations (noise or operations) Measure 7.2 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Partial or complete curfews Measure 7.4 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Noise budget Measure 7.7 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Operational quotas Measure 7.5 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Fleet mix goals Measure 7.6 (Recommended for further analysis)
Limits based on metrics:
Lmax, SEL, TA, C-weighted, etc
Measure 7.9 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Airport regulations  
Require NCP briefings for
all ATCT personnel and pilots
Not assessed — to be included in screening as potential management action. Continuation and expansion of the RAA briefing program could enhance conformance to recommended program without undue costs to the RAA or Airport users. Accordingly, this measure would be recommended for further analysis
Other flight training restrictions Measure 8.2 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Landing fees based on noise Measure 7.3 (Not recommended for further analysis)
Engine run-up restrictions Measure 8.1 (Recommended for further analysis)
Measures to enhance, monitor, or enforce noise abatement  
Show effect of full conformance to
current NCP, compared to base case
Not assessed — this proposal is not a noise abatement measure. The measures recommended for implementation will be compared to the base case.
Establish airport noise office Measure 9.1 (Recommended for further analysis)
Establish community noise forum Measure 9.2 (Recommended for further analysis)
Maintain and expand Website, public information centers Assumed to be responsibilities of a noise abatement office.
Continuous (fixed) or demand
responsive (mobile) noise monitoring
Measure 9.3 (Recommended for further analysis)
Flight track monitoring Measure 9.4 (Recommended for further analysis)
Ongoing noise modeling Measure 9.1 and 9.4 (Version of measure recommended for further analysis)