Meeting Notes : Sensitive Facilities Committee

Committee notes reflect the views and opinions of the committee members and not necessarily those of the Noise Compatibility Study Group, Coordinating Council, Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County, or the Consultant Team.

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June 9, 1999

7:00 p.m.

The first meeting
of the Sensitive Facilities Committee met at the RAA Administration building. Present were Luanne Rice, Kim McGee, Joe Thomas, and Donna Lawlor.

It was noted
that three other people were also on this committee but were not present. Those people were James Thomas, Jr., Mitchell Payne and Mary Rose Evans.

Those present designated Luanne Rice as the committee chair and designated Kim McGee as note-taker.

We took a few minutes to introduce ourselves and state why we selected this committee to work on. We discussed what we felt our purpose was and brought up ideas on how to proceed to meet our purpose.

The Sensitive Facilities Committee was established to determine the facilities that are impacted by an unacceptable noise level and recommends noise mitigation for the facilities that might not be suitable for relocation.

Our first list of what we determined was a "sensitive facility" is:

    • Churches Schools
    • Meeting Halls Hospitals/Medical Facilities
    • Nursing Homes Day Care Centers
    • Funeral Homes

We decided to establish a list of all of the above types of facilities by name, address and principal contact. On our first pass, we were to begin with the general area surrounding the airport and expand out as far as we felt necessary. Each person present took a certain type of facility to list-- Churches - Donna Lawlor

    • Schools - Kim McGee
    • Meeting Halls, Day Care Centers - Luanne Rice
    • Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Funeral Homes - Joe Thomas

We agreed that if there were any other ideas an individual would like to pursue in order to obtain information, to please proceed. This information and ideas can be shared as we go forward.

Our next meeting will be Monday, June 28th at 7:00 p.m. at the RAA building. (Meeting date and place was confirmed by the RAA on 6/10)

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.


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