Meeting Notes : Public Information Committee

Committee notes reflect the views and opinions of the committee members and not necessarily those of the Noise Compatibility Study Group, Coordinating Council, Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County, or the Consultant Team.

Pending Committee Approval

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June 29, 1999
7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Attendees: Mr. Steve Lambert (co-chair), Ms. Mindy Lambert (co-chair, note taker), Ms. Mary Rose Evans, Ms. Emily Evans, Ms. Luanne Rice, Mr. Dan Bevarly (Mo’ Better Marketing [MBMC]).

Meeting was called to order at 7:25 PM.

The committee members reviewed and adopted the agenda provided.

The committee members designated Ms. Mindy Lambert as note taker for this meeting.

The meeting began with the discussion of issues and priorities of the Public Information Committee proposed by Mr. Bevarly. The group reviewed the combined energies between the consultants MBMC and the PI group to ensure the appropriate support will be provided without duplicating unnecessary efforts. MBMC would support the committees stated goals, ideas and objectives. These responsibilities would come under two categories:

PI Committee - * Grass-roots education and involvement.
MBMC - * Media relations and overall community information.

Reviewing MBMC’s proposal, responsibilities would be as follows:

PI Committee – Survey/data collection of public concerns; Newsletter articles/bulletins; Organization of local groups for dissemination of information (PTA, neighborhood associations, civic clubs, etc.); letters to the editor to various newspapers/publications, and any other vehicles accessible for distributing information from the study group/committees.

MBMC – Media relations (study milestones and any other related, newsworthy events); maintenance of web site/info line; NCS brochure (study maps, charts, information, etc.); updates and signage at Public Information Centers, and the advertisement of study group/committee meetings.

Mr. Lambert asked if there were any objections to the proposed responsibilities. The group agreed and accepted roles and responsibilities.

The group then reviewed items covered in the previous June 8, 1999 PI meeting:

The development of a media/info packet. Items that would be included: News releases, chosen noise complaint messages/letters, an open letter from the PI Committee, a "Did You Know…?" facts sheets, "What is noise?" info sheet, psychological/health effects info sheet, and information sheets to solicit citizen input and involvement.

The PI committee agreed that including a copy of the flyer produced by the RAA would not be a good idea on the basis that it may not be a good representation of where the Study Group is headed/goals.

It was discussed that the media packages would be provided to the newspapers, TV and radio stations, community leaders and groups, neighborhood block watch groups, elected officials, and any other groups that could disseminate information for the noise study group/committees.

The committee group discussed ways to get a copy of the Corradino Poll and review its accuracy and content. The group wanted to review the feedback from this poll taken and use its content to discuss better ways of raising more awareness in the communities affected. MBMC has been trying to contact the Corradino Group without any success as of this date.

MBMC is in the process of obtaining a list for the CoAlliance of Neighborhood Business Associations and find out which businesses are directly affected by the LIA/UPS expansion and noise.

In the process of finding media contacts as a way of reaching the public, the response was both positive and negative. The Courier-Journal and WAVE-TV Community Forum did not feel they would be able to provide support due to the possibility of a "conflict of interest" matter. LEO (Louisville Eccentric Observer) felt they would be interested and is awaiting a media pack with the Study Group information. Mr. Bevarly will provide a media packet and personally go through the information with LEO. He will also continue to pursue these contacts with hope that opportunities may still develop in the future. As more data is provided from the study group, more of an opportunity for media coverage may arise.

Ms. Rice suggested that the local public information station be contacted. She felt they would be very interested in a presentation of noise issues that are important to the community.

The committee members discussed other ways to spark public awareness. Solicit people to share their stories in Letters to the Editor (develop a short form for guidance/assistance); provide articles to existing neighborhood newsletters; hand out pamphlets on cars, in mailboxes and in doors, work with the block watch groups and speak at public meetings/gatherings.

Other avenues the group would like to see utilized are the Fern Creek Leader and the Okolona Leader. The group will research other publications in the Louisville area, Bullit County area and those areas affected on the Indiana side for future opportunities.

MBMC was in the process of securing print, television and radio advertising using display ads, classified ads, weekly event calendars (newspapers, TV, Cable, radio), neighborhood newsletters, and inserts at the Public Information Centers.

Mr. Lambert suggested creating a poster/flyer that would provide future meeting locations/information. These could be hung in community business’ windows and at public bulleting boards, or handed out as needed. The committee members agreed that this would be an easy, low-cost way for notifying the communities of future meetings. It may not be ready for the July 29, 1999 meeting, but hope they would be available soon after.

Mr. Lambert suggested that a study group newsletter, sponsored by the Public Information Committee, be developed and distributed to the public using as many ways possible. He provided a single page, two-sided mock up for the PI committee members to review as a guideline. The purpose of the newsletter would be to help bring our mission and affiliation to the public, provide neighborhoods/residents viewpoints, provide answers to questions, an outlet for all the other committee groups to distribute their important issues and information, and to provide important schedules, standalones and general information. Committee members could possibly complete the first issue of the newsletter (name still to be determined) before the July 29th meeting upon approval

The issue for funding the printing and postage for distribution was brought up by three committee members. It was discussed that there could be affected businesses in the community who may donate their resources to help. A couple of suggestions were provided to Mr. Lambert to pursue within the next few weeks.

The committee members approved this suggestion for a newsletter. A draft would be distributed to the appropriate parties for review, editing and approval within the next few weeks.

A key factor to making the newsletter successful would be the distribution. Possible avenues could be community newspaper "blow ins", a hand out at community meetings, community newsstands and local businesses, and acquiring a database for direct mailings (pending funding/budgeting issues). It was also suggested that a recommendation be made to the RAA to include it on the noise study web site.

The committee members discussed the effectiveness of the web site and its content to date. It was brought up that meeting notes and schedules were not currently on the web site, being that this was very important information that the public needed to be able to access. Also, it was discussed the importance of organizing public complaints and comments coming in over the web site in large quantities in a manageable format. The appropriate board members and consultants in hopes of a solution are reviewing this issue concerning the web site in the near future.

No changes were made to the committee roster.

The next Public Information Committee meeting is scheduled for August 3, 1999 at 7:00 PM at Mo’ Better Marketing business offices.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.


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