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Noise Abatement Measures and Screening Criteria Memo
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December 10, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: LFA/Bill Willkie, Project Manager FROM: 150 Study Group/Dorn Crawford, for the Chair SUBJECT: Noise Abatement Measures and Screening Criteria The attached noise abatement measures are a consolidated listing of those adopted by the 150 Study Group at its December 7 meeting, including measures suggested in your October 15 presentation, and those put forward either as refinements or additions by the various committees based on their discussions in the interim. Also attached is a list of approved screening criteria, arrived at similarly. The Study Group has striven to compile a listing of measures that aim to: reduce noise contours leverage technology make flight patterns more consistent, hence more predictable reduce exceptions to standard procedures keep information affecting airport operations accessible to the public respect operational needs and regulatory imperatives Many, and indeed most, of the measures listed arose in multiple committee reportsan encouraging sign of common understanding, though not a necessary condition for incorporation here. In accordance with the Study Group's Charter, instead, the listing includes all those measures that found consensus in the Group at large. Screening criteria should be taken in the context of implementing these aims. Measures listed, in turn, should be understood as elements for preliminary analysis, not as endorsed recommendations. Indeed, many are mutually exclusive alternatives, whose relative merits and demerits need to be laid out as explicitly as possible to support an informed choice. The addition of a modeling criterion for screening, for example, recognizes that noise reduction, like cost analysis, necessarily involves quantitative as well as qualitative assessment. Both measures and criteria are listed in abbreviated, bulletized form. Should any require elaboration beyond that provided at the Study Group meeting, please contact the Study Group chair, or me, without hesitation. We look forward to your consultation in moving this process forward. NOISE ABATEMENT SCREENING CRITERIA, AS ADOPTED Goals & objectives Study goals Reduces noise exposure Minimize incompatibilities FAR Part 161 Impact on interstate commerce Consistent with FAA objectives Aviation safety Feasible Cost analysis
Alter preference for east runway Limit runway preference to daytime only Raise tailwind threshold for reversing flow to 10 knots Flight track changes Set uniform departure criteria for turning Altitude Make west runway divergence 15°, not 20 Approach procedures Route all arriving traffic into IFR approach corridor - no cancellations Departure procedures Noise-optimal SIDs Close-in abatement procedures Reduced thrust departure Use prospective overrun extension for takeoffs Advanced navigation technology Ground-based: markers, beacons, lasers, other Airport facilities "Hush houses" artificial (e.g. walls, runway treatments) Displaced thresholds Airport use restrictions Conformance to NCP by all aircraft Airport regulations Require NCP briefings for all ATCT personnel and pilots using SDF Measures to enhance, monitor, or enforce noise abatement Show effect of full conformance to current NCP, compared to base case Summary and complete NCP Noise monitoring Continuous (fixed) Flight track monitoring: retain, process ARTS data |