Meeting Notes : New Technologies Committee

Committee notes reflect the views and opinions of the committee members and not necessarily those of the Noise Compatibility Study Group, Coordinating Council, Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County, or the Consultant Team.
back to NOTES       October 25,1999

Attendees: Arnold Celentano and Bob Welch

This meeting was held at RAA offices and convened at 7:00 pm. Since there were only two members of the committee present, the minutes of previous meetings could not be reviewed or approved.

The following is a summary of the meeting:

DISCUSSION: Use of longer runways to reduce noise on takeoff and landing was proposed by Arnold.


1. Use less power on longer runway to reduce noise

2. Use power later to get up to altitude


Use less power in reverse thrust or none to reduce noise


Have Leigh Fisher run tests on INM model for longer runway (west). If not possible, then:

Measure noise levels at locations used in last test while having aircraft follow above takeoff and landing procedures on longer runway (west).


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