Meeting Notes
: Strategic Planning Committee

Committee notes reflect the views and opinions of the committee members and not necessarily those of the Noise Compatibility Study Group, Coordinating Council, Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County, or the Consultant Team.

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April 28, 1998 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Mr. Denny Rued, Mr. Bill Simpson,
Lt. Col. Tom Marks, Mrs. Brenda Ensey.

The committee designated Lt. Col. Tom Marks as temporary Chairman of the Committee. Due to the number of members present the committee decided to wait to designate a permanent chairman until the majority of the members were present. Group came to the consensus of putting the interest of the entire region first rather than their own personal situation while working on this committee.

Regarding the issue of selecting candidates to represent the committee to Leigh Fischer the committee decided different people would need to go to different meetings. This will be handled in the meetings ahead. The committee suggested meeting every two weeks until the ground work had been laid out, then meeting once a month or so.

Members agreed that Strategic Planning entailed actions we can implement now to alleviate probable future issues. Solutions could be developed on a 3-5-10 year outlook. Lt. Col. Marks stressed fixing the noise problem is not a quick fix.

Below is a list of areas of interest to the group regarding noise impact. Marks suggested the committee write a mission statement and write recommendations on each of the areas listed:

Growth - Look at growth and the impact on businesses and residences in the area. Look at the forecasted growth of the airport and the use of cargo and passenger planes. Look at the possibility and the impact that the addition of a third runway at the airport would have on the community.

Land Use - Look at zoning; some areas may be great for warehouses and properties of that nature rather than residences. There are a number of "end of runway" companies that could relocate to the high-noise impacted areas. Make a land use plan which is compatible with the airport. Identify land use by different time frames, 3-5-10-15 years from now - work enterprise zones; create a plan for developing these areas by a certain time. Maybe T2's (TARC) light rail/bus system will be available to use some of the land in the high-impact areas. Look at the possibility of homes and businesses being relocated and new businesses brought into high-noise areas. These businesses will need to be screened carefully. Having homes sound-proofed is not a good idea because children and people go outside, whereas businesses conduct business inside the building. Suggestion of creating an area where the houses in high-noise areas will be bought as they go up for sale and then replaced by businesses. Will the FAA purchase existing homes and replace them with compatible businesses?

Building Codes - Minimum insulation codes for businesses and homes. Different codes for different locations around the airport. Don't over-burden the property owner with codes.

Technology - Some areas may not be affected by noise with new technology such as "white noise" which might cancel out the sound waves. Flight tracks of aircraft could be adjusted, if possible, to reduce noise in some areas. Look at how fast the planes climb, the faster they climb the more pressure is placed on the engine and fuel consumption. Look at the balance between a safe, yet quick ascent to lower noise. Look at runway usage.

Funding - Petition Frankfort for funds for noise abatement. Idea of a tax was brought up, but people and businesses don't like paying additional taxes unless they can see a direct result of their tax dollars.

Public Awareness - Committee agreed this area is extremely important. Get people involved from Bullitt County, Southern Indiana and Eastern Jefferson County. Suggestions were brought up to create infomercials for the public to view on KET or other channels. Some stations must have a minimum amount of programming regarding public education, this may fall under that category. Billboards and the web site could be used to assist in public education.

Environment - Carbon Monoxide levels may reach levels too high for people to work during the third shift. Carbon Monoxide levels tend to be high only at night after 3:00 AM when planes are taking off to the south. Keep this in mind for zoning/land use purposes. Look at light rail/HOV lanes to reduce pollution. Look at the infrastructure around the airport.

The committee suggested the following companies have representatives speak at a meeting to provide insight about their specific areas of interest:

T2 regarding use of land near airport.
Mo' Better Marketing regarding public awareness.
HNTB regarding building codes.
KIPDA regarding economics/land use.
FAA regarding flight tracks.

The committee made the following suggestions to the Airport Authority in assisting them with future meetings:

1) Place the times and dates of all the committee meetings on the web site.

2) Mail the meeting notes to all committee members in addition to placing them on the web site.

3) Committee members on more than one committee request that meeting times be scheduled that will accommodate their attendance of all meetings.

The committee scheduled their next meeting for Thursday, May 13 at 7:00 PM in the HR Conference Room of the Airport Authority.



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