Meeting Notes : Consultant Screening/Oversight Committee

Committee notes reflect the views and opinions of the committee members and not necessarily those of the Noise Compatibility Study Group, Coordinating Council, Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County, or the Consultant Team.
back to NOTES       January 19, 1999

Attendees: Tim Chilton, Mike Clancey, Don Conrad, Dorn Crawford, Mary Rose Evans, Mindy Lambert, Steve Lambert, Tom Marks, Marvin Pilkenton, Denny Rued, Bill Simpson, Marnie Varela

The meeting was held at 7:00 at the Audubon Park City Hall, 3340 Robin Rd.

The proposed agenda was adopted.

The notes from the previous meeting were not yet ready for approval.

All committees plan to meet on or before February 3. Mary Rose presented a list of the meetings that had been scheduled to date, and it was updated by the committee chairs.

We discussed Committee Chairs’ responsibilities and resources, including the following:

    • Committee Chairs have the study information available to them. There is a great deal of information and Chairs need to manage and draw on it.
    • Chairs may also draw on the Study Group Chair and the consultants if their committee has questions.
    • If Committee Chairs use these resources and are prepared by having their questions answered in advance, it will leave more time for questions and comments from the public during Study Group meetings.

Tom Marks, the current Study Group Chair, said that if any committee had meeting notes that are not yet on the Web, for whatever reason, they could give the notes to him and he will try to help with getting this information up to date.

Noise Monitoring, Sensitive Facilities, and Strategic Planning Committees have had assistance from Debbie Carby, from the RAA staff, in notifying their members of meetings and changes in meetings. It was reported that Debbie will be leaving her position at RAA, and it was unclear what kind of assistance would be available after January 28.

At a November meeting of committee chairs, many of whom were already on the Consultant Screening/Oversight Committee, all committee chairs agreed to join the CSO committee. Because of this change in the CSO committee, a question came up about whether all the members of the committee, who were not chairs of other committees, had been notified of this meeting. Mary Rose had notified all of these committee members except, due to an oversight, Joe Richardson. She will contact him. The CSO committee, like all committees in this study process, is open.

Some chairs reported that they are being contacted and bothered by an engineer wanting to get contracts from this study. Some committees have had presentations by companies that were helpful to the committee. Anyone interested in getting a contract from this 150 update should understand that they will have to watch for RFPs from the RAA.

Dorn presented the tasks that are before the committees for the Study Group meeting on February 3. Committees should consider three topics:

Noise abatement measures and screening criteria
Dorn passed out copies of the abatement measures and screening criteria that the Study Group had sent to LFA after the December Study Group meeting and copies of the matrix with LFA’s analysis of these measures. There was discussion about how to follow specific measures from the Study Group’s report to the LFA analysis of those measures. Committees will look at the measures that the Study gave LFA and the LFA analysis of abatement measures and evaluate measures that are pertinent to their committee.

Noise abatement strategies
Dorn passed out copies of the slides from the LFA presentation that covered the noise abatement strategies proposed by the consultants. Some members of the committee were concerned about where the daytime contraflow strategy had come from. It was decided that each committee should look at these strategies with a discerning eye and decide if that committee agrees with each strategy.

Noise mitigation measures and screening criteria
Dorn passed out copies of LFA slides with mitigation measures and screening criteria. Each committee will determine the importance of the proposed measures to their committee. The measures may also be further developed, or additional measures may be suggested by the committee.

Everyone agreed that the presentations done by the committees in Study Group Meeting 3a were effective in conveying recommendations. Committees, other than Sensitive Facilities, which is not scheduled to meet until February 3, will again prepare slide for their presentations. Chairs were urged to have presentation materials ready in time to have copies made for handouts. This was requested by the Study Group at meeting 3a. Tom Marks, as Study Group Chair, agreed to act as a ‘clearing house’ for handout materials, if committee chairs need help with getting copies.

The next meeting was set for Thursday, February 10 at 6:30 at Audubon Park City Hall.


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