Meeting Notes : Noise Monitoring Committee

Committee notes reflect the views and opinions of the committee members and not necessarily those of the Noise Compatibility Study Group, Coordinating Council, Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County, or the Consultant Team.
back to NOTES       Sumbitted by Robert Sisk, chairman.

The Noise Monitoring Committee met on September 23, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting was held in preparation for the Study Group 2A meeting scheduled for September 28, where current and projected noise contours will be presented. Following is a summary of the issues discussed and recommendations made in the course of the committee meeting.

    1.) It is anticipated that Leigh-Fisher Associates will correlate ARTS data with the monitoring data gathered earlier this summer.

    2.) The committee is hopeful that noise mitigation measures will be vigorously pursued and that a reasonable and specific time frame be observed pursuant to appropriate noise insulation and relocation projects.

    3.) The monitoring committee recommends that standing monitoring capabilities are needed to continuously verify and update the noise contours as projected by computer models. This recommendation includes retaining a noise officer.

    4.) A majority of the monitoring committee suggests that there be no further airport expansion until the current and near future problems concerning re-location and noise mitigation measures are met.

Joe Richardson dissented on this point, and suggested as an alternative that the R.A.A. make relocation and noise mitigation its first priority.

    5.) The monitoring committee suggests that residential areas be considered as "sensitive land uses" when flight patterns are being considered and established in the future.

    6.) The monitoring committee acknowledges that nighttime air noise is a problem, but daytime operations, and daytime air noise is also a concern.

    7.) The noise monitoring committee asks that Leigh-Fisher address just which metrics relate most specifically to sleep disturbances (i.e. L MAX), and give consideration to areas heavily impacted by this type of noise.

    8.) The committee suggests that topography data (U.S.G.S. maps) needs to be a consideration in evaluating noise data from flight operations, and when pursuing noise mitigation measures.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.


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