Noise Monitoring
Meeting Notes
August 10, 1999
7:00 p.m. - 9:10 p.m.
The Noise Monitoring Committee met on August 10, 1999 in the RAA Board Room at 7:00 P.M. The Noise Monitoring committee is part of the FAR part 150 Noise Compatibility Study for the Louisville International Airport.
There was a general discussion of the noise data gathered in June by KM Chng Environmental Inc., and presented at the July 29, 1999 general meeting. Other aspects of the July 29 meeting were also discussed extensively. Below are a few of the observations and summations offered by various committee members:
There is a general consensus that there are no true and standard flight patterns.
The DBA data gleaned from the monitoring process may be somewhat misleading. For instance, one monitoring site showed a DBA of 63, but also showed several spike events with decibel readings over 120. It was suggested that the significance of the 120+ incidents was substantially watered down by low noise stretches.
Suggestions were considered for a noise monitoring sub-committee to more closely analyze the noise monitoring statistics.
It is probably within the scope of the monitoring committee to consider citizen noise complaints as well as the more objective monitoring data as the committee goes forward with its work.
Several committee members agreed that the monitoring that took place over the two weeks in June is probably sufficient to verify (or refute) the computer model.
It was suggested that the monitors at the W. Hill and Main Street sites were exposed to too much background noise to be of much use in evaluating air noise.
From the points raised in the general discussion the monitoring committee is prepared to offer the following suggestions and recommendations:
1. Flight patterns need to be established and enforced.
2. The public needs to be continually informed on the processes that impose annoying and unwanted noise levels in their community.
3. Weather information may be needed to better evaluate monitoring data.
4. It would be desirable to eventually establish full time, portable monitoring capabilities. This would be helpful in evaluating the impact of flight patterns in existence and in evaluating noise complaints as they come in from the community. This may necessitate hiring an additional person(s).
5. There is a significant level of skepticism within this committee that our efforts will ultimately have any impact on flight noise overneighborhoods.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. |