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STUDY GROUP COMMITTEES Meeting Notes : Environmental Issues Committee
Committee notes reflect the views and opinions of the committee members and not necessarily those of the Noise Compatibility Study Group, Coordinating Council, Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County, or the Consultant Team. |
back to NOTES | 9/28/00 (Approved) Attendees: Denny Rued Mary Rose Evans Emily Evans Mike Clancey Pete Levermore Call to order by committee co-chair Pete Levermore @ 5:35 p.m. We did not have previous meeting minutes to approve. We will check our old notes to try to resurrect them and submit them for review at a later date. Results of the initial testing were received, handed out, and discussed. The initial testing involved testing an intentionally contaminated (with jet fuel) sample from on airport and the roofs of two control houses that were selected by the committee. The control houses were intentionally selected because they fall outside of the flight paths. The intent of this first round of testing was to substantiate that the chemical constituents that the committee selected to test for were indeed legitimate. The sampling was done by Microbac Labs. The reports submitted by Microbac indicate that all samples were none detectable for the constituents the Environmental Committee selected for testing. The group interprets this to mean that the constituents selected, Formaldehyde, Butadiene, and Benzopyrene, are not able to allow any logical conclusions to be drawn. Different constituents need to be validated before we proceed much further. As far as where we proceed from this point, the consensus of the attendees was that the committee members are not only limited by the fact that they are not chemical experts but also have limited available time to devote to thorough research on this matter. We will suggest to the RAA (Regional Airport Authority) that , in the interest of conserving valuable budget resources, the Environmental Committee be allowed to advertise/post for services at the local university/colleges for a qualified individual to research for airport studies on jet fuel as well as other jet fuel related articles to provide to the committee. These would be used to attempt to better determine if there are any unique constituents in jet fuel which could be tested for in the future roof sampling. Pete L. will draft up a suggested scope and present this to the RAA. The next meeting of the Environmental Committee is to be determined, dependent on what the response will be from the RAA. Meeting adjourned at 6:45. |