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August 4, 1999
7:00 PM-9:00 PM
RAA Board Room
Members present: Chairman Mike Clancey, Denny Rued, Mindy Lambert, Pete Levermore, Emily Evans, Mary Rose Evans
The meeting was called to order at 7:15.
Mike presented an agenda, which was adopted by committee members and included the topics that were not covered at the last meeting due to the extensive discussion of air pollution.
Mary Rose agreed to take meeting notes.
Denny presented meeting notes from July 8th meeting. These were discussed and approved.
The committee began a discussion of human health affects from airport operations. It became apparent that the list would be unwieldy for the group to manage. Mary Rose suggested that we prioritize the areas to study and begin with the effects of noise on human health. This information could then be shared with other committees and the Study Group, which may benefit by having it available earlier in the study process. It was agreed that other effects of airport operations on human health would be studied after information about noise effects was gathered.
The committee made a list of some physical and psychological effects of noise on human health that they thought should be studied These include:
sleep deprivation,
hearing loss,
elevated blood pressure,
changes in hormone levels,
and emotional problems.
Volunteers from the committee agreed to research topics on the list and bring information back to the committee at the next two or three meetings. Pete will find information on sleep deprivation. Mary Rose will find occupational standards for preventing hearing loss. Denny will look for studies of physical and psychological stress due to noise.
Others suggested sources that may be helpful to the committee and agreed to look into them. Mindy agreed to look up military studies that have been done on the effects of noise on humans and wildlife. Mike said he would contact U of L to see if research on noise effects in Louisville has or could be done there. Mary Rose said she had research paper, What Should Be Heard by Dorislee Jackson,with information and references that may help committee members. Mike agreed to get some copies made. Mike also said that he would set up a list on his web page where committee members could look for topics that interest them and sign up to do research in uncovered areas.
Quality of life issues will be addressed as each environmental issue is studied.
Real estate values and crime statistics are topics that Denny said will be covered by the Strategic Planning Committee.
Discoloration and/or depositions on roofs were discussed. The RAA has committed to have tests done by a lab on the black stuff that people question and complain about on roofs and cars. The committee asked the question, Is there data to support the existence of this perceived problem? It was suggested that we could take advantage of the offer by the Air Pollution Control Board to do similar tests and have some random cases retested to increase community confidence in the results.
Mike said he would invite field rep from Jerry Schlaters APCB office to an Environmental Issues Committee meeting to talk about Jefferson County roofs.
It was suggested that this committee should get information about the volume of flights at SDF now and for the future, so that we can compare environmental impacts with other airports.
Members were asked to bring info on any environmental contacts to the next meeting.
The next meeting was planned for Monday, August 23 at 7:00. Bud Hixon will be a speaker.