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STUDY GROUP COMMITTEES Meeting Notes : Environmental Issues Committee
Committee notes reflect the views and opinions of the committee members and not necessarily those of the Noise Compatibility Study Group, Coordinating Council, Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County, or the Consultant Team. |
back to NOTES | Meeting Notes July 8, 1999 7:00PM 9:30PM Attendees: Mr. Michael Clancey, Ms. Mary Rose Evans, Mr. Pete Levermore, Mr. Denny Rued, Mrs. Mindy Lambert, Mr. Bud Hixson, Mr. Art Williams, Ms. Emily Evans Meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm The committee members reviewed and adopted the agenda provided. The meeting began with the nomination and approval of Mike Clancey as chairperson for the Environmental Committee. The committee members designated Denny Rued as note taker for this meeting. The meeting was then opened up to Mr. Art Williams who heads the Air Pollution Control Board. Mr. Williams began by giving a brief synopsis of what the Jefferson County Air Pollution Control board does. Mr. Williams went on to explain that one of the biggest issues facing the Air Pollution Control Board is that Jefferson County has had an "Ozone Non-Attainment" classification since the early 1980s. The two highest priorities for the Jefferson County Air Pollution Control Board are: Air Toxics Jefferson County is the source for 25% of all emissions in the state. West County Community Task Force is dealing with Rubbertown affected areas while Jefferson County will deploy 13 14 monitors to test air quality. Particulates 2.5 microns & smaller (pm 2.5) generally affect the respiratory system. In 1997 the EPA established a subset of pm 10 regulation. Monitoring is being done in 5 areas now with 2 more to come. Monitoring shows 15 micrograms/cubic meter in Jefferson County Mr. Williams said ozone in Jefferson County is one-third made in Jefferson County, one-third brought into Jefferson County, and one-third created by non-human. Its unknown what the transport factor is for p.m. 2.5. Mary Rose Evans asked if jet fuel would be included in p.m. 2.5 to wit Mr. Williams replied, "probably could". Bud Hixson asked, "Are emission inventories of vocs, nitrous oxide, and carbon monoxide related to "non attainment"? Mr. Williams replied that is was difficult to be specific versus general saying, "permits are not issued for air". Mike Clancey asked Mr. Williams, "Who is accountable for emissions?" Mr. Williams declared the regulations are complex at the federal level but on the international level that would fall under the International Civil Aviation Organization. Mr Hixson asked, "What are being found accumulating around the airport or are you looking at public health?" Mr. Williams stated combusted and non - cumbusted jet fuels were being found around the airport. Mr. Williams went on to say that hes frequently asked why automobiles are V.E.T. tested and not airplanes, buses, etc.? The answer, he continued, is that theres a national stakeholder working out a platform, which will take 2 3 years, to determine the issues facing airports and airport affected constituencies. Denny Rued asked why there are increased levels of carbon monoxide in Minor Lane Heights. Mr. Hixson questioned who has the best site data on airport affected areas. Mr. Williams reported there are many years of info on the Jefferson County carbon monoxide "hotspots" including Minor Lane Heights. Mr. Williams added that the data has gotten much better in the past 15 years. All info is available through the Air Pollution Control Board files. Mr. Hixson asked why cant the community avail itself to the expertise of the Airboard and when can we see corridors showing pollutant levels. Mr. Williams responded that: 1) EPA has Urban Air Toxic Initiative which includes airport emissions. 2) Air Pollution Board will be a regular attendee to committee meetings and will have some data on certain pollutants ie. Voc, carbon monoxide, etc. Mr. Clancey asked how can we get info and do we have a model. Mr. Williams replied mobile sources are big health concerns, "There are 21,000,000 miles traveled per day in vehicles across Jefferson County and nobody wants to talk about vehicles". He went on to say that Bowman field replicates dispersion. Mr. Hixson asked how soon info can be used to graph Standiford Field. Mr Williams replied that there are no current plans to use at Standiford Field. Mr. Pete Levermore asked if testing in West County was being focused or done in general and do we have time to transfer information from them. Mr. Hixson remarked that "if we want a model here (SDF) that we have a long way to go "banging on doors" to make it happen, especially when looking into increased incidents of cancer in Edgewood, etc." Mr. Williams stated that "Noise constraints or increased emissions are based on takeoff. Once the aircraft is above 3000 feet, it has no local effects." Ms. Evans questioned if there is a carbon monoxide monitor in Minor Lane Heights. Mr. Williams said theres a map of all sites currently being monitored. Mr. Rued asked for a carbon monoxide monitor to be placed in Minor Lane Heights. Mr. Williams responded that there are 8 10 "CO Hot Spots" in the county and that 23% budget cutbacks make it difficult to allow for more "mobile monitoring" but he suggested we make specific requests of our elected officials. Mr. Williams was then questioned on whose responsibility water falls under. Mr. Williams retorted that Jefferson County water fell under many jurisdictions including Air Pollution Control Board, U.S.G.S., MSD, State Division of Waste Management, etc. At this point Mr. Clancey brought the time to everyones attention and the committee closed the meeting after agreeing to the next meeting being held at 7 p.m. August 4, 1999 at the RAA offices. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.. |