Mission Statement


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The Leigh Fisher Associates Team (the LFA Team) believes that effective coordination leading to a successful Noise Compatibility Study starts with a common understanding of goals and objectives, and the cooperative efforts of many divergent interest groups. Airport users, neighbors, economic stakeholders, the FAA, and the Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County (RAA) each have a major stake in the outcome of this process. The LFA Team believes that agreement among the stakeholders on the major goals and objectives of the study is a critical first step.

Based on experience and an understanding of the issues related to noise compatibility planning in the Airport environs, the LFA Team offers the following points for consideration in developing a mission statement for the Louisville International Airport Noise Compatibility Study (Noise Compatibility Study):

Fair Process. Provide opportunities for input from all interests, recognize all comments, and consider all points of view in reaching conclusions and developing recommendations.

Comprehensive. Identify the widest possible range of noise compatibility actions for evaluation.

Informed Decisions. Evaluate potential noise compatibility actions on the basis of objective measures of noise benefit, operational and mitigation costs, and feasibility of implementation.

Balance. Strive for a reasonable balance of noise benefits and operational costs in evaluating alternative noise compatibility measures.

Win-Win Approach. Actively seek opportunities to enhance operational flexibility consistent with the reduction of noise impact.

Consensus Building. Work to find points of agreement among the various interests to the extent possible at each stage of the process.




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