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STUDY GROUP Meeting Notes
BACK to Meetings Notes | NCSG MEETING #1a Date: Wenesday, May 26, 1999 Location: Fourth Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Kentucky Attendees: Following is a list of project participants in attendance at the Noise Compatibility Study Group (NCSG) meeting: Robert Brown, Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County DISCUSSION SYNOPSIS-PRE-MEETING BRIEFING Mr. Crawford then went on to outline the goals of the Study, which include (1) reducing of number of people affected by aircraft noise; (2) redirecting aircraft noise toward less populated areas; and (3) reducing the impact of nighttime noise. Mr. Crawford stated that the framework of the Study involves the Regional Airport Authority of Louisville and Jefferson County (RAA) and the Leigh Fisher Associates Consultant Team, which will work in conjunction with the NCSG (including the FAA, neighborhood participants, travelers, businesses, aircraft operators, elected officials, technical experts, and others) to gather information and recommendations that will be passed along to the Coordinating Council, RAA Board, and FAA. Mr. Crawford continued to outline the various roles of the Study participants, including:
Mr. Crawford concluded the pre-briefing by defining the process of the Study, which will involve an all-inclusive, fully engaged Study Group, rotating chairpersons, focused committee structure, consensus decision rule, active participation by all constituencies in the development of program elements, and an anticipated long-term role in program implementation. To that extent, Mr. Crawford offered a brief outline of each of the 11 committees involved in the process. These committees include the following:
Mr. Crawford encouraged interested members of the community to get involved in the committees, learn the issues, become empowered, and make a difference. Mr. Crawford then opened the floor to questions from community members present at the meeting. One participant mentioned that the noise on Granger Road is a big problem. Mr. Crawford responded that that was why they were gathering that evening. One participant asked if the Study includes small aircraft. Mr. Crawford replied that all aircraft noise would be included in the Study. Mr. Crawford referred the public to a brochure entitled "Aircraft Noise and Its Effects," which he considered to be recommended reading, offering that, having reviewed the information contained in the brochure, members of the community will be able to make a good judgment as to whether planes are in compliance with regulations. One participant asked if small aircraft can fly anywhere they want. Mr. Crawford replied that this is only true under certain conditions. One participant asked if aircraft are supposed to fly through fireworks at the Fairgrounds, commenting that doing so appears to be dangerous. Mr. Crawford replied that this was a good question, and promised to find out. One participant commented that the Study seems to be after the fact, and wondered why the Study wasnât conducted prior to this time, and asked what the purpose of the Study is. Mr. Crawford replied that a Study was done once before (1993), and based on information available at the time. The result of that Study was the program that is now in place, he said, and now is the time to make the program better, to document and report on findings, get available funding, and make things better. One participant commented that UPS is one of the biggest noise offenders, and wondered if they will be involved in the Study. Mr. Crawford replied that yes, UPS would be involved, along with other aircraft operators, some of whom will chair meetings, and participate in other key ways.
DISCUSSION SYNOPSIS NCSG MEETING #2 Mr. Simpson stated that he is part of this committee because he is interested in alternative ways of measuring noise that go beyond the recommendations and methodologies proposed by the Consultant Team and FAA. He then went on to name those community members who had joined the Metrics Committee, and reviewed the committeeâs progress to date. Mr. Simpson said that their focus has been on lower frequency noise, and offered a brief overview of A-weighting and C-weighting noise. He also referenced 1/3-octave band measurement, and stated that two monitoring sites would be placed in 1/3-octave band areas for collection of this special information. Mr. Simpson then opened the floor to questions. One participant asked if the Metrics Committeeâs findings would apply only to areas tested, or to overall areas surrounding the Airport. Mr. Simpson stated that a noise model would be applied to see if the data collected agree with flight information from the Airport computer. Mr. Bill Willkie, of Leigh Fisher Associates, clarified that monitoring data apply only to the site, place, and time where data are collected, but stressed that such data will provide fingerprint information that can be applied to all areas. This information, Mr. Willkie stated, will help in the development of the relationship between data that are modeled and data that are monitored. One participant asked if it would not make sense to take data readings from those people most affected by aircraft noise. Mr. Willkie replied that the Consultant Team would be working with those sites that have been outlined by the Monitoring Committee, and concluded that monitoring data would be extrapolated upward and downward based on the information collected. Mr. Crawford then called a point of order, and promised that discussion about monitoring sites will take place when the Monitoring Committee presents its progress report. Mr. Simpson then concluded his committeeâs presentation, thanking all in attendance for participating, and encouraging those interested to join the Study process. One participant expressed concern that a UPS employee was chairing the Metrics Committee. Another participant, and a member of the committee, stated that Mr. Simpson was elected by committee consensus, and that there should be no conflict with his selection. The participant stressed that the committee operates in accordance with the desires of the group, and not its chairman, who is there to serve at the pleasure of the committee. One participant asked how some sites were selected over others. Mr. Simpson replied that there was a redundancy of sites selected, and that some that were suggested did not apply, or would not be effective. One participant suggested that the main perpetrator of aircraft noise is UPS, and stated that another participant made a good point in suggesting that Mr. Simpson should not be a chairperson, and that the group did not need UPS leadership. Mr. Crawford stated that he was encouraged by the ways in which all members of community were becoming engaged, and invited all in attendance to be patient to see if the process and results of the Study are satisfactory. Mr. Crawford then turned the floor over to the Monitoring Committee Chair, Mr. Marvin Pilkenton, and the Co-Chair, Mr. Denny Rued. Mr. Pilkenton began by stating that the purpose of the committee is to collect data, evaluate the fidelity of the noise, and provide feedback to update the existing INM. He continued to point out that current ways of measuring noise are outlined in the INM, and that it will be necessary to gather data that will play against the model to ensure correlation. If the model doesnât match data gathered, Mr. Pilkenton stated, it will be necessary to make corrections. Mr. Pilkenton offered that this will be a dynamic Study over next 18 months, and pointed out that the NCSG will meet every two months to report on findings, and determine changes to be made, as necessary. Mr. Pilkenton then referred the audience to a noise monitoring map, which depicts the committeeâs progress in naming 20 sites to be monitored. He pointed out that the Consultant Team had selected 10 of these sites, which surround the Airport runways. To select the remaining 10 sites, the committee divided itself into four groups, representing areas north, south, east, and west of the Airport. Mr. Pilkenton emphasized that the committee will be monitoring the monitors, and stated that, because of past concerns, the committee has chosen to keep monitors somewhat secret, and that actual monitoring site times and dates will be chosen by draw. Mr. Pilkenton then turned the floor over to Mr. Denny Rued. Mr. Rued offered that the committee would select 10 monitoring sites in those locations where aircraft noise actually is, as opposed to the Consultant Team sites, which were chosen near runways, where noise should be. According to Mr. Rued, the committee considered a current list of complaints registered with the RAA to provide suggestions as to where to set up monitoring sites. The four groups within the committee then examined topography and flight patterns, and what people have actually reported concerning flight patterns. Also considered were areas just outside of noise contours. Mr. Rued emphasized that the committeeâs progress to date is preliminary, and promised that monitoring will be done at random, stating that it is no secret that the community doesnât trust the Airport. Under the suspicion that flight patterns may well be changed on days when monitoring takes place, the committee has promised to keep this information secret to ensure fair and accurate readings. Mr. Rued concluded by stating the necessity of the publicâs providing input and voicing complaints, and giving accurate, thorough information when making a complaint so that the nature of the complaint can be mapped and addressed. Mr. Crawford then turned the floor over to the Strategic Planning Committee Chair, Colonel Tom Marks. Col. Marks began his presentation by stating the purpose of the Strategic Planning Committee, which consists of nine recommended experts who are charged to review and study data collected, and make recommendations. One participant asked why no community members were part of the committee. Col. Marks replied that the expert panel would have to look at the economics of the Airport, and what may drive Airport business. Mr. Willkie added that there would be a limited use of expert panel data, whose sole responsibility will be to look at forecasting trends, and determine which economic issues need to be considered in developing these forecasts. He assured participants that, rather than dealing specifically with airport policy, trends, etc., committee members would be involved with key factors centered on income, population, and employment, among others. Mr. Crawford then encouraged participants to sign up for those committees that interest them, and stated that there was a list of the committees provided for their review. The NCSG meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m.