Engineering, Inc.
Skees Engineering, Inc., is a woman-owned, Louisville-based civil engineering and GIS consulting firm. The firm includes a staff of 26, including experienced GIS specialists, civil engineers, computer programmers, and technicians. The company's GIS manager, Thomas Tri, is a licensed civil engineer with 18 years of experience in consulting and special expertise in computer automation of engineering projects and management and manipulation of large databases. The GIS Division draws upon years of project experience in database design, digital mapping, computer-assisted modeling, policy analysis, and other fields related to GIS. Skees Engineering can provide support in a wide variety of graphic programming environments, and GIS applications are a central focus of much of the firm's analytical work. GIS tools such as Arc/Info, MapInfo, Atlas GIS, and AutoCAD-based GIS are utilized to analyze problems where geographic and spatial considerations are critical, such as transportation network and routing analyses, environmental assessments, demographic investigations, and real estate studies. Skees Engineering is the region's leading private user of the Louisville Jefferson Information Consortium (LOJIC) system.
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