Chng Environmental Inc.
Founded in March 1989, KM Chng Environmental Inc. (KM Chng) is an environmental consulting firm specializing in the measurement, modeling, and evaluation of aircraft noise, air quality, and vibration analyses for airports and other transportation and industrial facilities. KM Chng utilizes state-of-the-art sound measurement and analysis equipment, coupled with computer data management and modeling capabilities. The company's experience includes the measurement of single-event aircraft noise levels and long-term monitoring of community and aircraft noise levels. In addition, the firm has extensive experience in the calibration and/or validation of airport noise exposure maps using detailed noise measurements and ARTS data to confirm noise modeling assumptions. Such studies are conducted in strict compliance with applicable FAA documentaion requirements. KM Chng has been involved in numerous environmental documents for many airport projects, including the EIS for a parallel runway at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport; and EA for a runway extensions at Plymouth Municipal Airport; the EA for a new parking facility at Kentucky Bluegrass Airport and the EA for the O'Hare International Airport, Airport Layout Plan Update.
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