Noise Compatibility Study Group
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The NCSG is a voluntary group representing neighborhoods, airlines and airport users, businesses, area governments, and elected officials. The group will actively participate in the development of the recommended NCP. The main purpose of the NCSG will be to develop specific recommendations on reducing noise exposure in the Airport environs and to assist in balancing community interests. Specifically, the NCSG will hold regularly scheduled meetings to review key technical analyses by the consulting team, and develop recommendations regarding:
If the NCSG does not reach consensus on a specific issue, findings shall be compiled and forwarded to the Coordinating Council with full representation of dissenting views. The NCSG Charter (go to Study Group Meetings : Charter) states that the work program shall be conducted by focused committees, whose chairs or designated representatives shall report findings and recommendations in their subject areas for discussion and endorsement by the NCSG. Committee chairs shall be selected by, and serve at the pleasure of, their members.
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