Recommendations for Noise Abatement Measures
New Technologies Committee

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ENGINES - Can engines be made quieter?
AIRCRAFT DESIGN - Can aircraft design be improved to reduce noise on takeoff and landing? Better lift with less power/increase glide capability for landing. (see: longer airstrips)
NAVIGATIONAL DEVICES - Can we have more accurate tracking in order to reduce the size of noise corridors?

BARRIERS - Can sound barriers be built that would absorb noise during takeoff and landing?
ENGINE RUN-UP PROCEDURES - Can sound barriers be utilized during engine run-up?
LONGER AIRSTRIPS - Can aircraft operational procedures be modified with longer airstrips to reduce noise on take-off and landing? (see next page)
DAMPENING DEVICES - Is there any new technology that can absorb noise and reduce reflected noise on the runway?
HUSH HOUSE - Can engine testing be done in a" Hush House "?

SOUND ABSORPTION - What are the best materials we can recommend for noise mitigation in existing structures?
WHITE NOISE OR "COUNTER NOISE" - What systems are presently available that can reduce the noise impact to an acceptable level?
ALTERNATIVE MATERIAL - Are there any materials in the development stage that can be utilized in the next 5 years to reduce noise in occupied buildings?

CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES - What new technologies can be included in building codes so that new buildings can accommodate acceptable noise levels?
LOCATION / ZONING - What would be the best building use in areas of noise? [Tie in with zoning]
ORIENTATION - Is there a "Best" orientation [windows, doors] for buildings in order to reduce noise effects on occupants ?

LONGER AIRSTRIPS - The following is a summary of committee discussions on October 25 and November 29, 1999.

    The question was: If we use longer runways can we reduce noise during takeoff and landing.

After much discussion it was determined that there were basically three kinds of take-offs.

1 - Take off power to 3,000 feet, then climb trust. This is the loudest takeoff.

2 - CLOSE IN Abatement procedure: take off power to 1,000/1,500 feet, then pull back power and climb with flaps to 3,000 feet, go to climb trust and pull in flaps.

3 - DISTANT Abatement procedure: take off power to 1,000/1,500 feet, then climb trust and pull in flaps.

As of this time we know of no abatement procedure for landings.

We are asking Leigh Fisher to run tests on the longer runway (westerly) using the INM model with takeoffs to the north and south, and comparing these results with those from the easterly runway.

If the INM cannot provide the requested information then an alternate series of tests is requested.


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